Conscious of Variable in Ruby

5 min readApr 22, 2021


  • In this article, we’re going to explore about
    * variable (integer, float, string, backslash notation, array, range, hash, global, constant, class, instance)
    * attribute


  • An integer number can range from -2³⁰ to 2³⁰–1 or -2⁶² to 2⁶²–1. Within this range are objects of class Fixnum and outside this range are stored in objects of class Bignum
  • You write integers using an optional leading sign, an optional base indicator (0 for octal, 0x for hex, or 0b for binary), followed by a string of digits in the appropriate base. Underscore characters are ignored in the digit string
123                  # Fixnum decimal
1_234 # Fixnum decimal with underline
-500 # Negative Fixnum
0377 # octal
0xff # hexadecimal
0b1011 # binary
?a # character code for 'a'
?\n # code for a newline (0x0a)
12345678901234567890 # BignumFloating


  • number with decimals
123.4                # floating point value
1.0e6 # 1,000,000
4e+9 # 4,000,000,000
4e-2 # 0.04


  • Double-quoted strings allow substitution and backslash notation but single-quoted strings don’t allow substitution and allow backslash notation only for \\ and \’
puts 'escape using "\\"'    #=> escape using "\"
puts 'That\'s right'; #=> that's right
puts "Multiplication Value : #{24*60*60}"
#=> Multiplication Value : 86400

Backslash Notations


  • Literals of Ruby Array are created by placing a comma-separated series of object references between the square brackets. A trailing comma is ignored
[  "fred", 10, 3.14, "This is a string", "last element", ]


('a'..'d').to_a #=> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
(1..5).to_a #=> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(1...5).to_a #=> 1, 2, 3, 4


  • a list of key/value pairs between braces
hsh = { "red" => 0xf00, "green" => 0x0f0, "blue" => 0x00f }
hsh.each do |key, value|
print key, " is ", value, "\n"


  • Global variables begin with $
  • Scope global
  • Can access everywhere


  • Any with the first uppercase letter is a constant (eg: Class, Module, Constant)
  • When you define a class, what you’re really doing is creating a Class object, which is assigned to a constant
  • Constant Scope
  • There is no way to prevent a constant from changing because variables in Ruby are not containers, they are simply pointers to objects. The only way to make the constant immutable is to use freeze.
  • Can set value but can not define constant inside a method
  • constantize rails-method will convert a string into a CONSTANT(Class/Module/Constant). Be careful with this method, it could be biased to inject external code into your server (example)
module/class ConstantSample
SAMPLE_CONST = 'sample'
private_constant :SAMPLE_CONST
ConstantSample.const_defined?(:NOT_EXISTING_CONST_SAMPLE) #
=> false
#=> NameError: private constant ConstantSample::SAMPLE_CONST referenced

# override the error of constant missing of an Object
def Object.const_missing(name)
@looked_for ||= {}
str_name = name.to_s
raise "Class not found: #{name}" if @looked_for[str_name]
@looked_for[str_name] = 1
file = str_name.downcase
require file
klass = const_get(name)
return klass if klass
raise "Class not found: #{name}"

Class variable

  • Class variables begin with @@ and must be initialized before they can be called/used. Otherwise, when call to get the value, it would throw the exception
  • Can call getter/setter class variable by methods
    * [class].class_variable_set(:@@var, ‘class variable 01’)
    * [class].class_variable_get(:@@var)
    * def self.set_var(str); @@var = ‘class variable 02’ ; end
    * def self.get_var(str); @@var ; end
  • be careful when using get/set directly by @@var , because all the variables in ruby are objects and the variable class can be accidentally bound to a specific class variable of an ancestor (Module/Class). Please find a sample in class_variable_binding_to_a_module.rb and the way we can prevent it in class_variable_self_owner.rb
  • class variable can be shared when INCLUDE a module or INHERIT from a class (an ancestor). Please find a sample in variable_class_when_extend.rb and variable_class_when_include.rb

Class Instance variable

  • “class instance variable” is module/class’s OWN property, NO sharing when the module/class includes/extends a module or inherits a class
  • getter/setter by methods
    * [class].instance_variable_set(:@ins_var, ‘instance var of class 01’)
    * [class].instance_variable_get(:@ins_var)
    * def self.class_instance_var_set(str); @ins_var = ‘instance var of class 01’; end
    * def self.class_instance_var_get; @ins_var; end

Instance variable

  • variable of instance that’s initialized from a class
  • getter/setter by methods
    * [class].instance_variable_set(:@ins_var, ‘instance variable 01’)
    * [class].instance_variable_get(:@ins_var)
    * def instance_var_set(str); @ins_var = ‘instance variable 01’ ;end
    * def instance_var_get(str); @ins_var ;end
class A
def initialize(str)
@a = str
def a; @a; end
def a=(str); @a = str; end
ins ='instance var 01')
ins.a #=> instance var 01
ins.a = 'instance var 02'
ins.a #=> instance var 02


  • this method creates a lazy instance variable and initializes a get method for this instance’s attribute


  • this method creates a lazy instance variable and initializes a set method for this instance’s attribute


  • this method creates a lazy instance variable and initializes a get, set method for this instance’s attribute

lazy variable

  • the lazy variable means the variable is only initialized when we set it a value

class_attribute (only in Rails)

  • it’s not the same as the instance’s attribute. it doesn’t define the class’s variable
  • this class attribute’s value would be inheritable by its descendants/subclasses. Descendants/Subclasses can change their own value and it will not impact the parent class variable
  • there are some options of this method
    * :instance_reader — Sets the instance reader method (defaults to true)
    * :instance_writer — Sets the instance writer method (defaults to true)
    * :instance_accessor — Sets both instance methods (defaults to true)
    * :instance_predicate — Sets a predicate method (defaults to true)
    * :default — Sets a default value for the attribute (defaults to nil)
  • as we can see, :instance_reader is equivalent to :attr_reader and so on
  • if the instance’s variable doesn’t set to a value yet, it uses the class attribute’s value

Thank you for your patience. I hope you can find something helpful in this post





Written by dieutb

passion in finding solutions and research some things relate to technical and helpful in life. Also strongly interest in foods, travel, and gentle music :)

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