Module and Class in Ruby

3 min readMay 28, 2021


  • As we can see, Class actually inherit from Module.
  • RUBY doesn’t allow multiple inheritances. To achieve that we can use the mixin facilities by importing the module.


  • There are 3 ways to import a mixin facility to a classinclude,prepend, extend. Let see what difference between them.

1. include

  • is the most used and the simplest way of importing module code. When calling it in a class definition, Ruby will insert the module into the ancestry chain of the class, just after it.
module T1; end
module T2; end
module T3; end
class A
include T1
include T2
A.ancestors #=> [A, T2, T1, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
Object.class_eval do
include T3
A.ancestors #=> [A, T2, T1, Object, T3, Kernel, BasicObject]
  • Import instance methods, instance variables from module to the class. It means the class’s instances can have module methods (only instance methods, not class methods), instance variables.
  • class also can access module’s class_variable, but not class_instance_variable.
  • No import class methods

2. prepend

  • the same method as include but the module will be inserted to the beginning of the ancestry line
module T1
def t
'method t of module T1'
module T2
def t
'method t of module T2'
class A
prepend T1
include T2
def t
'method t of class A'
A.ancestors #=> [T1, A, T2, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] #=> it would print 'method t of module T1'. Because when call a method, ruby will seek it from the beginning of the chain. If the T1 doesn't have "t" method, it continues search on the next one on the right.

3. extend

  • When a class extends a module, only the module’s instance methods are imported to its singleton class, both module’s class methods and the variables aren’t imported.
  • With extend, the module would not be inserted into the class’s ancestry chain.
module T1
def method_1
'method 01'
module T2
class A
extend T1
include T2
A.ancestors #=> [A, T2, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
=> [:method_1]

4. callback and one-time import

  • Ruby support callback include, prepend, extend a module.
  • a module can only import one time to the ancestry chain.
module T
def self.included(klass)
p "callback when included module T from #{}"
def self.prepended(klass)
p "callback when prepended module T from #{}"
def self.extended(klass)
p "callback when extended module T from #{}"
class A
include T
prepend T
extend T
#=> "callback when included module T from A"
#=> "callback when prepended module T from A"
#=> "callback when extended module T from A"
#=> [A, T, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
class B < A
include T # Because T already exist on the ancestry chain, then no action happen, but the callback still fire
#=> "callback when included module T from B"
#=> [B, A, T, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]


  • When class A inherits from class B, A inherits all methods and variables from B (both private, protected, public)
  • What difference between private, protected, public variable/method?

Constant Table and Nested Constant

  • As default, both class and module have their access to their internal constants that have been stored in constant table. We can check the accessible constant by the method constants
  • When calling a constant inside a nested, Ruby will look at the nesting constant of the scope





Written by dieutb

passion in finding solutions and research some things relate to technical and helpful in life. Also strongly interest in foods, travel, and gentle music :)

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